Well, it was a very long Friday!
The pool was refreshing, and helped waken me up.
There was this 8 year old boy from LA who was there with his Mom, who was looking for a playmate so we mucked around in the pool together - waves, bombs, holding breath, that kind of thing! I actually really enjoyed myself and forgot the evening of my second Friday this week was progressing. I got hungry so I said good bye and that I might see him the next day. His Mom said "Say thank you for playing with me" and he shouted "Thank you for playing with me!" As I left the pool room. Also had a conversation with some German tourists in the spa as well.
I decided to go out for some food, and did a quick google for some eateries around here. I caught a bus half way down Market St, but it veered off and I got off, then went to catch one of the old style trams that goes down that street and a helpful man asked me "where I was headin'" (I had my head in a map). Told him I was looking for some food and he actually said "We'll there's a Mc Donalds right up there". (I THINK he was kidding) I said preferably not fast food and he told me there were some restaurants down there a bit so I waked and found some really nice looking ones (but a bit out of budget and not somewhere to go by ones' self). Then I saw one which looked nice, with, checking the menu, reasonably priced food, and, wait for it LIVE MUSIC!
Well, live, amateur show tunes that is!
I think my favourite part of the evening was when a young girl (she looked about 17) sung "I was born to entertain!"
This was the proud daughter of the proud mother who was singing as I walked in. It was classic! I sat in the corner most of the night until a table invited me over 'cause they could see I was all by myself, we exchanged stories and contacts. Everyone was and is really friendly here.
There was this immense woman who got up in what looked like a dress made of a curtain which was tied around the waist with a 'fanny pack' (bum bag) and expertly sung two songs. I mean she was really good!
Another young woman who had an incredible voice sung some other show tunes too.
I decided to walk home (I kept missing the old style trams), and I must admit it was a bit freaky walking through the dodgey part of Market St (it changes very quickly from 'nice' to 'not nice')
After the dodgey bit was done with, I saw a croud watching those random skater group that were doing the stunts with volunteers off the street.
The guy would take a run up, and do a jump over three people (one black guy with his cell phone out, a wigger with a cigar, and a bogan chick with a soda) and then go down a lengthy escalator sideways on his rolerblades. Talk about random.
To paint a picture, the MC guy with a nana trolley equipped with mixer would announce things through a microphone things like "We gave the cops a box of doughnuts, that should hold them! ... But they're probably already up the bear claw. (Imitating cops) OOOh Bear claw!!"
Did I mention everyone's on roller blades.
Then the MC said once the stunt had been performed "Let's go before the cops arrive!"
And they were off weaving though the traffic on the foot path.
I got back to my room, chatted online for a bit, dropped my iSight on the F key which broke it off, and went to bed.
It's now Saturday and I've been down to have a coffee and croissant (the healthiest breakfast I could find) and I've bought a universal power adaptor. I'm going to see if I can go and get a new F key from the Apple centre to which I've already been to once - I practically followed a beeline there once I'd landed, but as I read afterward in the WWDC newsgroup, you're not a true Mac Geek unless you do so :-)