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From Uni


Prac3 done - gave it my best shot which included 6 hours in front of my computer screen last night, my mind boggling though implementing my algorithm in c code. The computer DID give a satisfying whir of activity however when I sent it running...

Went to sleep hard faced and resolved. Determined to get my life into gear and to charge on full speed. Trains travel faster when on track.

With that I optimistically set my alarm for 7.15, as usual, I thought as I fought to relax my exhausted mind, but I surprised and myself proud by getting up and skipping in the morning for 20 minutes before breakfast, like the 'ol days... where did they go? Where did my resolute go hard life go. When did I stop riding my bike so much and take taxis, drive cars and take trams, why did I start to eat bad, fatten up and stop skipping? We all know the answer. The important thing now is to get my life back in control, one step at a time. I have to learn from my past.

The morning is bright and still. Morning in Autumn.

The prac over, I finally accept that Coffee HQ in the campus centre is pretty good, the coffee creamy and the wraps are to die for! I just went back and bought another one. Lamb with fetta roasted vegies and baby spinach. YUM.

Was going to sit down somewhere quiet but thought stuff this and went to sit with some 'shiriai's', bumped into Eri, took a bite from my biscuit and dropped the rest on the ground. Cursed etc etc. Dumb Salada.

Even brought my gym clothes for my 5pm gym session. Was standing outside campus centre wondering what to do and a girl came up and said 'are you Jewish?’ I said no - she was giving out religious pamphlets. Bumped into that girl I saw in a cafe last year while I was drilling kanji. She's graduating and going to Chile and China soon.

Algorithms and Data Structures


'Nuff said?



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