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Santa Cruz via Greyhound International

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Wow! What a day. The best yet.
The taxi ride to the "Greyhound International" with Greg (who was off to Canada) and joking around about the benefits of bus travel

The un sweetened iced tea at Starbucks.

Getting my Smart Groups work done on the greyhound, and starting to integrate it into my main Words application.

Exchanging small talk with the lady from San Jose on her bus trip to Texas (she'll arrive sometime on Friday).

Arriving in sunny Santa Cruz and within 5 minutes being told by a guy on a bicycle with a basket full of fresh vegies that there was a farmers market on main st with plenty of organics, and that if my hostel was all shut up that I could leave my bags with him! I said I hardly knew him but thanks and though it was a bit strange so I said I might come back if I really had nowhere to put my bags.

The Hostel
It's gorgeous! So is the town of Santa Cruz. I'm staying in the front cottage.

The walk along the beach and boardwalk.
It was so quintessentially American, with beach parties and volleyball.

The taco I had before walking downtown - which is a tree lined avenue.

Discovering there's cruisers available for hire just around the corner.


The farmer's market with all the beautiful smelling and tasting fresh produce.
Finding out that I can have unlimited rides at the boardwalk carnival if I bring a can of Pepsi tonight and tomorrow.

Meeting a Squirrel
I think they thought I was a little crazy about how excited I got over this squirrel, but seriously it was my first time. With such a cute face!! And his bushy tail! CUUUTE!

My run past the surfing beaches, hearing the seals, stepping down to the beach full of happy dogs and happy people. Seeing USSC in the distance.

Dinner with the family who are staying in my room.
With the really crunchy chips and fresh salsa, and the 100% rye and farmhouse cheddar, organic tomatos and basil, snap peas... yum! Interesting people and conversation.

Playing volleyball at night with them.

Walking though the carnival excited like a child.

Learning exactly what a Deep Fried Twinkie is.

Walking past the street performer with the white painted face, then when we get home he walks up to our hostel door, frightens the hell out of me, but turns out he's staying in the same room.

And a nice cup of tea while I write this.

And a ton of other stuff.

Tomorrow I'm going to write some more of my essay, do computer programming, go for a ride, to the carnival to get my ass on some rides, take lots of pictures, do some more homework and flop into bed.


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