Well! The conference is over. It was a busy but exciting week and I feel like I've learnt many different things from it.
I can't wait to get into applying the knowledge to creating some cool software!
Right now I'm sitting in the Marriot foyer waiting for my washing to finish, I figure I should do washing while I can here.
Last night was fun, everyone went down to the Apple campus at 1 Infinite loop, Cupertino (see photos). It was all very Apple. I never did think that I would be dancing on the Apple grass surrounded with several thousand geeks! The photo above was taken roughly
here (the little white blip).
The food was the best I'd had in the USA yet, so I ate lots of it, and the beer was varied and cheap (free) so I drank lots of that too!
Thank you Apple for such a great week. I feel very privileged to have been part of WWDC06.
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