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Early Morning American TV

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I'm watching the infomercial

"Is a clean colon the key to health and vitality?"

Flicks over the channel

"New weight loss program. You can loose weight and eat chocolate!"
You can enjoy that chocolate flavour and loose weight!

Turns out it was just a chocolate flavoured protein shake....

2 Responses to “Early Morning American TV”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Actually most of our TV is like that... every once in awhile you see an advertising gem that promises to combine colon cleansing power with protein and chocolately goodness.

    Speaking of American TV, I think you should start watching Lost. It's a good show that speaks to the hearts of geeks like us. Watch it, if you aren't already, you'll like it trust me.

    What do you think of the new Leopard? I thought it was pretty weak actually. I thought 10.4 had good stuff(like Dashboard, Automator, decent version of Safari and Spotlight). But 10.5's additions really don't really get me excited(Time Machine?? Spaces??? A to-do list in the mail manager?! psssshhhhhh) However, the new Powermac almost makes me want to convert to Mac-dom(Dual Woodcrests for under 3000?!?!?! *creams pants*)

    Anyways, hope you enjoy the rest of your US experience buddy. Take some good snapshots for me, try to shake Steve Jobs hand, eat some good food and party all night.


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Thanks for the tips Brett!

    Actually, I think time machine is kind of cool. You're somewhat right, however, and there was also the warning at the beginning of the keynote that they are keeping some features top secret (so Windows can't see 'em)

    What's exciting in Leopard is the APIs and frameworks they're providing to developers in the new OS, so that third parties can make the cool applications to WOW you. So there should be more exciting stuff around by the time you can actually buy Leopard, from both Apple and third parties.

    And I did party a bit last night - feeling a bit seedy this morning!

    Another WWDC session starting. gotta go

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