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The 1st Year's Stats


Well has been up for 1 year now. I've just renewed my host, and I found it interesting to look at the stats for the past year.


This one shows what kinds of files were downloaded from the site in the last year.


This one shows which browsers people use. Microsoft Internet Explorer is number 1, Safari not even a close second. Mozilla means Firefox, and BlogLines I'm assuming is people sucking my site through RSS.

Game, Set, Match!


Originally uploaded by mathieutozer200.
Carlo and I helped out with the message boarding system at Zinc of Federation Square last night, where the opening night of MidSumma was held.

It was all a bit of a laugh and we recieved compliments aplenty of how good a job we were both doing.

As the evidence shows on Flickr, we were dressed in matching tennis outfits, repleat with visors and sweat bands.



Originally uploaded by mathieutozer200.
Ok, I know you guys are going to think I'm watching way too much eyeTV, but this was too delicious not to share. Just happened a few minutes ago over at Rod Laver.

NHK nyuusu


I got an eyeTV for Christmas, and I'm making use of it by grabbing the NHK News from SBS, so I can watch it over a smoothie at a more earthly hour of the morning than that which it's broadcast!

It's making me nostalgic for Japan seeing the countryside (covered in record snow), the cities, the 高速道路 kousokudouro highways, the trains, and especially the culture and people. Families taking the 新幹線 shinkansen and rushing home for New Years, and 20 year olds gearing up for 成人式 seijinshiki The Coming of Age day. People taking hot spring baths full of apples surrounded by snow, and shoppers storming department store sales.

These shots are from the Japanese Stock Exchange, the women were dressed traditionally for the opening day. I like the way this woman is waving her finger about (v. top photo), and seriously monitoring the figures on her computer terminal, resplendent in her Kimono and glittering hairpin.

And where is this little old man expecting to cart his sley of snow? The caption reads 'Nowhere to put the snow.'

All images taken from NHK News Broadcast, 6th Jan 2006.

Flickr and


Cris of plasq got me a years worth of flickr as a birthday present! Thanks!

So actually

Hooray for Web 2.0!

1. Now I'm bearing all at my flickr homepage (it replaces those dodgey albums I used to have)

Or, jump into the latest photos I've posted by clicking somewhere on flickr Zeitgeist on the right! Hell, even subscribe with RSS. If you don't know what RSS is, find out now!

2. While I'm at it, I'm building a list of links to sites that I read regularly, and

3. I'm beginning to use Writeboard, to help with my translation proofing.

Other Web 2.0 Stuff I do:
4. Well, I blog
5. I too have aka Audioscrobbler stats running.
6. I casually use Wikipedia for general info.
7. I'm subscribed to some podcasts.

I'd like to get more AJAX elements on my site too. Any suggestions?

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