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NHK nyuusu

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I got an eyeTV for Christmas, and I'm making use of it by grabbing the NHK News from SBS, so I can watch it over a smoothie at a more earthly hour of the morning than that which it's broadcast!

It's making me nostalgic for Japan seeing the countryside (covered in record snow), the cities, the 高速道路 kousokudouro highways, the trains, and especially the culture and people. Families taking the 新幹線 shinkansen and rushing home for New Years, and 20 year olds gearing up for 成人式 seijinshiki The Coming of Age day. People taking hot spring baths full of apples surrounded by snow, and shoppers storming department store sales.

These shots are from the Japanese Stock Exchange, the women were dressed traditionally for the opening day. I like the way this woman is waving her finger about (v. top photo), and seriously monitoring the figures on her computer terminal, resplendent in her Kimono and glittering hairpin.

And where is this little old man expecting to cart his sley of snow? The caption reads 'Nowhere to put the snow.'

All images taken from NHK News Broadcast, 6th Jan 2006.

5 Responses to “NHK nyuusu”

  1. Blogger Coco 

    Oh, it's very NATUKASHI!!
    On Every new year, I watch that kind of news ( Women wearing kimono when it's the first working day of the year)!!!
    Last year I also wore Kimono when it was the first day.
    I think it's the one of the really good JP culture!!
    I worry about my family because of the very cold weather. Usualy Wakayama has a warm winter, you know. But my mother said it's the most coldest winter in her life...
    Anyway can I see eye TV when I come over??

  2. Blogger Mathieu 

    Sure! I'll show it to you when you're over. I tend to delete the programs after I've watched them, but I've save a couple for you :-)

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    HELLO you...

    Singapore is getting great and all is cool. do you by any chance need anyting in Singapore? like clothes and shoes and stuff. let me know hon.


    whats your shoe size?

  4. Blogger Mathieu 

    I think I'm an 11 or something, at least that's what I wore when I went bowling last!

    Good to hear from you and can't wait to see you again.


  5. Blogger Coco 

    I saw your Flickr.
    Very Natukashii!!
    And I found you wore T-shirt which I made for you. I was soooooooo happy to see that. Thanks.
    I also found my pic....
    I don't wanna see....haha
    It was 4 years ago,right??
    Ages ago.....

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