Right before I moved into my much more secure apartment, my iPod nano, Bang & Olufsen headphones, Cannon 8mp IXUS and $300 Brazilian Reais were stolen by a nasty thief from my locker. The story goes...
He checked in during the morning. I was having a lye down as I was feeling fluey and gastric, and he made no effort to be quiet as he sang in the shower and then promptly went to bed, with a sheet over his face presumably to block out the light. Prolly should have smelt a fish, yes, but I was sick.
Went out to lunch, and 45 minutes later came back and it was all gone.
Many sweaty hours spent getting police reports later in Leblon for insurance purposes (which will probably be a story of woe in itself) I made myself forget about the camera and iPod and got on with life.
But then I get this adorable little email from the Tourist Police
We get your camera "CANON ixus 860 IS" with a thief. Please you need come
back here, Tourist Police District - DEAT, to recognized it. If you leave
Brazil, try to contact us to advice how you intent to receive back your
camera, ok?
My best regards;
Inspector Mergulhão
Delegacia de Atendimento ao Turista
So I just went back and picked it up! No iPod or headphones, they were probably sold off fast. But I was still pretty pleased. The police were happy with themselves too, for catching this guy. He had a sack full of loot apparently.
That's the back story to this post - I wanted to show you the pictures taken by the thief which were left on the card. Delightful!

See them all at flickrLabels: copacabana, photos, police, rio, theif