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I'm going to try and start blogging again, but don't expect anything coherant. I'm going to add things from old files too into the archives, so this blog becomes like an autobiography.

I'm a bit of a hoarder of everything, my friends know I take issue with deleting photos, for example. Even the bad ones, because records are precious to me, even unflattering or embarrasing ones. The same goes for files and screen shots, no matter how trivial seeming. It pleases me to look back on, or to know I can look back on my digital histrory.

The same thing goes for physical artifacts, and I have a file stuffed full of slips of paper. This is becoming problematic, and I'm thinking that digitisation might be the happy medium between hoarding and letting things go. Thus the scans and things I've been posting. Each artifact brings back a memory. I feel a great sense of lost history in the thousands of SMS messages which have been lost in the void. Chit chat, but a great deal of personal history has been lost!

However assembling THE EVERYTHING into a single blog might be pushing the format further than it can go. Some things are pretty private.

I've thought about making some custom software to assist in this autobiographical project too. Basically it would allow me to assemble the information on the desktop and then post it to the blog, and do it all in a non linear fashion.

Formats and types of things I would need to stuff in a post
Computer Programs
Chat transcripts
Emails - (only relevant ones, of course)

Issues and Questions
How extensive is the blogger API? Would my desltop application be able to interface with it?
The application would help with the tag based organisation of the project too, suggesting them by looking at the date the files are from, and suggesting by others that are nearby.

Anyway this is an ongoing thing.


A flight of Fantasy


I was sitting at my desk, and I really needed to do a wee, so I ran out of the house in my blue speedos, looking for some hidden bushes to do a wee in. There wasn't any, so I found this little house that didn't look occupied, entered, and found the toilet. At some stage during my very long wee, it turned into a trash can, and I did make a few bad splashes. The place, as I looked around, waiting, had some signs of habitation, and I feared being discovered. Finally when my wee had all emptied into the trash can, I nightmarishly walked past a couple of faces looking our through a door window inside. The people were wondering what I was doing there. I didn't think the excuse "I thought this was a public toilet" would work, so I fled, rounded the corner, and - this is the fun part, glided through the air with my arms outstretched almost all the way home! Almost all the way because I woke up :(




Since I know of at least 1 person (Hey there!) following this feed, I should let you know that my twitter is much more noisy than here. I still might post here when I get the chance. As you know, I'm very busy at plasq and don't blog as much.


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