Published Sunday, January 28, 2007 by Mathieu.
The quality is like vomit soup.
Download it instead, it looks a little better.
It's a screen shot every 20 seconds of yesterday afternoon as I made a little application, from UI design, model, controller programming (not much) debugging, testing, and then distribution.
Oh and I had a Pie at "Pie on High" and then a Coffee at Woodstock in the mean time.
Labels: application programming mac osx work
Published Saturday, January 27, 2007 by Mathieu.

Pulled from the decorations at the pub I was being drunk as a skunk at. Anyone present can testify. Thanks Tom and Co. for a great night!
Labels: Australia Day 2007 flag
Published Thursday, January 18, 2007 by Mathieu.
Published Tuesday, January 16, 2007 by Mathieu.
While staring at the Apple logo while waiting for Leopard to start I actually thought a bit about the symbol itself. It's a perfect apple, with a big bite out of it.
Were I religious, might I be somewhat irked by this? The forbidden fruit - a symbol of the reason we got kicked out of the paradise of Eden, with the bite taken out of it and all.
Let's not forget that orginially, the symbol was strapped in 70's rainbow stripes, a symbol of alternative 'thinking different'.
I guess I never did hear Steve thanking God for his help with the iPhone.
Labels: apple logo

Hello. Ron needed 30 minutes to move boxes into his new flat. Thanks for the welcome.
(for what it's worth, our particular flat's car park is currently occupied by a neighbours)
Labels: mean letter
Published Tuesday, January 09, 2007 by Mathieu.
Made some crepes tonight with my friend and housemate Jean Marcell, in the mean time learning the correct pronunciation of "Gertrude".
I got a kick out of seeing the brandy flame up in the pan - Marcell teased me after about how excited I got.
Now the kitchen is all cleaned up and lovely, I'm going to write a bit more code before bed. Oh no but wait there's 5 hours and 55 minutes till His Steveness' keynote! (I have the countown dashboard widget).
Anyway back to my code.
Published Monday, January 08, 2007 by Mathieu.
Look! Straight (but frizzy) hair!!

Had a digital nipple reduction in this one.

Shot on Friday 5th Jan 07