Published Thursday, June 29, 2006 by Mathieu.
Well I haven't blogged forever.
Here's what I've been doing instead:
Finshed exams last week.
Carlo came back from Europe.
Organising Accomm and flights and the money to go to Sydney for a Cocoa Workshop and to San Fran for WWDC.
Thinking about how great Karaoke would be as a Mac application.
I'll just take this space to throw a rant out into the ether about how how insidious mySpace UI is. The concept is --- *gulp* --- good. A place for the average person to pop whatever they like up without having to write much, and then to easily network with other people. Even the music feature is admittedly fun because it adds a lot of character to the page.
But please - you should never have to scroll SIDEWAYS on a web page! And I don't want to have to squint to read your text against a full screen image of Paris Hilton as a background image. And all that guff adds up to such a load on my browser and bandwidth that I'm loath to even bother with the whole thing.
It's like mySpace web design has been wholly inspired by what was online in the 1990's - flickerry .gifs, scrolling texts, 'email me' buttons, midi files, and unreadable backgrounds.
I just don't understand!
Published Wednesday, June 07, 2006 by Mathieu.
Adding a quiet link to
my development blog. (Top right hand corner of page, right next to +RSS)
Actually it's been going on since August last year.
Covers what's going on in my computer / software life, not entirely interesting for my friends and family but to my tech friends - I'm sick of hoarding my ideas! I can learn a lot more with your feedback.
Software thoughts and ideas (not all of them) could probably be dug up out of the archives, stuff that I didn't really intend to share in the beginning, still sitting there, with bad spelling and punctuation, but hey who cares. I mean, it's 1.12 am and I have an exam in the morning, but I can't sleep! *weeps*
Anyway I'll try to raise the bar with my dev blog posting from now on.
As always... subscribe! subscribe!
Published Tuesday, June 06, 2006 by Mathieu.

That means "
World Wide Developer's Conference" - where I'm headed August thanks to the
AUC. I'm marvellously excited. What an opportunity! A week with Mac geeks. I'm going to love it.
It really made my day, even with the
CSE3305 exam looming tomorrow morning, my spirits are high.
In the mean time, before the start of August that is, I'm going to get into doing some more dev work so that I'm as prepared as possible for
the workshops during the conference week.
But for now, it's just 3305.