Published Wednesday, March 16, 2005 by Mathieu.
Awoke early with the radio blaring, wondering again why it was so early and why was I awake? Oh yeah, I had a face peel. As I wandered down 5 minutes before the appointment time in my pajamas (which are in fact quite suitable for outings) I noticed that some of the overhead canopy of greens owned by the trees lining my street were patched at the bottoms in brown. That gorgeous golden brown that comes when summer cools and autumn sweeps in. After the three sweaty day's we've enjoyed prior, the cool morning is refreshing. But my main goal in recording this is that as I looked at those dying leaves it really hit home how transient beauty is, and how things cycle, change. It is austere, yet I appreciated the fact and beauty of change and aging there and then, as I posted my letter and stepped into the clinic. It also made me think to enjoy it while it's there, but graciously accept change.
Breakfast at Phillippa's, shared a table with Jill, and then off to Uni on the train. Reading about the world in the Economist magazine, I pondered more and more on the sheer accessibility of information in my life. And about the encapsulate properties of practically everything. I bundled up scholarship information in an envelope and handed it to the postal service this morning (for a fee) to deliver it to the right place. The magazine I held, an authority on world matters, told me what I wanted to know, and hid all the technicalities behind the glossy sheets.
One other revelation I had was during class where I was learning about heaped stacks – the lecturer said in reference to some algorithm phenomena that nothing is egalitarian as me might like to think. That seems to be as it is in nature, observable in every object. There’s something big at the centre and everything else seems to move around it at different levels. I thought of our galaxy, at who’s centre lies an object so massive that all the junk around the edges can do is be sucked around it in a circle.
Anyway it’s only three o’clock maybe by the end of the day I’ll have the meaning of life.
Published Wednesday, March 09, 2005 by Mathieu.

I just joined the Chinese club for a sandwich!
Published Tuesday, March 08, 2005 by Mathieu.
Jason's a Cripple!

He'll never dance again! He's lost a foot somewhere yesterday. Perhaps he'd better trade that private jet of his in for a wheel chair. Does Prada do wheel chairs? Anyway we're going to class footless or not!
We're back from Sydney. We had a blast shaking it at Mardi Gras. I'll let the photos tell the story, but the highlights were definitely the meal at Tetsuya's on Saturday night (I'd miss 1000 Mardi Gras parade's for one more spponful of his corn soup and basil ice cream, or his take on strawberry short cake) and the party was fun too where Jason and I danced the night away.
The harbor cruise on Sunday was very serene, and we learnt a little history, and the Kinokunia book shop was nice too. Met some great peopl up there too, Marty from New York, the bar girls from the Hotel downstairs, even the San Fransico guys who we met at Bondi. Oh Bondi, such a place. Was great to swim in a real beach for once.
Got stressed out about uni in the end and decided to come home early so I could start taking classes. Had my first Chinese lecture yesterday which was very interesting... the reading and writing part is going to be easy but speaking and listening is going to be difficult.
Time to do some actual study.