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LV Chocolate cake.

North Korea - 北朝鮮の核問題と日豪の役割は何か


I had just borrowed books from the Matheson Library on North Korea and their relationship with Australia and Japan, and also other countries. My task was to write a paper covering the issue. Here is the fruit of my labours. (It looks better in PDF though)


北朝鮮の大量破壊兵器、特に核兵器の開発については、韓国、日本、米国をはじめ太平洋地域の国々は心配している。NPTから脱退し、国際的な調査を拒否した北朝鮮が今どの方向(ほうこう)へと進もうとしているのだろうか。冷戦が終わってから経済が悪化し、中国からの援助でどうにかスターリン的旧体制を進めていたが、今日、「悪の枢軸」と呼ばれた。(ウィキペディア: 悪の枢軸 )
なぜ核兵器を開発するのか。核兵器を持てば、相手国への脅威になると考えているのかもしれない。そしてまた、中国からの援助がなくなった時、大量破壊兵器で財政をまかなおうという考えもあるかもしれない。アメリカや他の大国に財政破綻をさせるため経済制裁をしたら、そして中国からの援助がなくなければ大量破壊兵器が持っていることと自信を持ってバーゲンできることではないか(Kaseda 2003 p. 120)。



現在の北朝鮮は、オーストラリアと日本を含むアジア太平洋諸国での大問題である。オーストラリアに対して問題になるのは、米国との安全保障である。戦争が始まった場合、今のイラク戦争のように軍隊を派遣しなければならない。朝鮮半島で戦争が起これば、国民へ大きな脅威が降りかかるのである。米軍とオーストラリアを含む連合の軍隊にも脅かしが大きい(White 2003 p.7)。日本は、日本憲法第9条よると自衛隊を外国へ戦うために派遣出来ないが、湾岸戦争での事変みたいに大金額を出すようになるだろうか、イラクみたいにムリヤリに派遣するであろう。それから朝鮮戦争の時みたいに米軍の策源地にもなるだろう。テポドン事件後、日本が単独行為として国の軍事を強めているし、米国との相互協力も強めていたのである。そして、韓国と一緒に協力も強めて、1999年8月に始めて韓国と海軍活動を始めた(Kaseda 2003 p.122)。 戦争の場合、日米、豪米同盟で協力が必要であろう。

上記のような軍事的活動の他に、外交的にも北朝鮮の問題に対して活動が行われている。東京はソウル、ワシントン、北京、平壌などの間に話を続けようとしている。(Kaseda 2003 p.123) この問題の解決には中国の協力が大事だそうだ。中国と北朝鮮の友好関係を続ければ米国が中国を通じて北朝鮮と話して、問題の解決を探せる。(White 2003 p22)だから日本とオーストラリアは朝鮮半島では戦争があった場合、日本経済が悪い影響が確かにある。日本はオーストラリアの輸出相手国を考えればオーストラリアの経済も影響を与える。

日本と韓国が北朝鮮に対して、強行な対策を行えば、日本と韓国は北朝鮮に強攻策を取らない方がいいといっている(Kaseda 2003 p.137)。北朝鮮が爆発し、大きな被害を受ける事になるだろう。 軍事的な解決より、政治的な方が望 不況に陥っている北朝鮮の経済が復活すれば、北朝鮮の脅威の問題もなくなるだろうと、小泉首相が金正日との会談の後、このように話したそうだ(Kaseda 2003 p.140) 。でもワシントンが言うと、HEU生産計画を放棄しないと、経済改革を助けられないと言う(White 2003 p. 20)。

中国から技術転換を受けて、経済発展するための特別なゾーンを作る。そして経済援助を外国から(主に日本と韓国)10年間1年ごとに20億ドルを受け入れる。(人道的援助や緊急援助抜きに)(O’Hanlon 2003 p.83)。この十年間の間に北朝鮮が兵器の生産や保護を減らして、そして北朝鮮が売る外国への兵器の流れも減少する。そうすれば、今のような深刻さはなくなるだよう。


* White, Hugh(2003)
『Danger and Opportunity: Australia and the North Korean crisis』(The Australian Strategic Policy Institute Limited 2003)

* O’Hanlon, Michael, Mochizuki, Mike (2003)
『Crisis On The Korean Peninsula』(McGraw-Hill)

* Kaseda, Yoshinori (2003) Edited by Tae-Hwan Kwak and Seung-Ho Joo.
『The Korean Peace Process and the Four Powers: Japan and the Korean Peace Process (Chapter 7) 』 (Ashgate Publishing Limited)

* ひだかゼミナール(2003/7/01作 ) 

* (著者不明)『現代兵器を学ぶ Weapons School 』 2004/10/30アクセス

*  ジェームズ・T・レーニー、ジェーソン・T・シャプレン
『朝鮮半島危機を安定させるには——枠組み合意から包括合意へ How to Deal With North Korea 』(Council on Relations Inc.& Foreign Affairs, Japan)「日本語版」2004年4月号 2004/10/29アクセス

* ウィキペディア:
「 悪の枢軸発言 』2004年9月8日 (出典: フリー百科事典ウィキペディア)悪の枢軸発言 2004/10/29アクセス日

* 日本憲法第九条

CS Cafe at Uni


Been getting into the fitness and health lately. Gearing up for a fun summer.
This photo is of me today at the cafe at uni, just after revising my Japanese Kanji.Been getting into the fitness and health lately. Gearing up for a fun summer.

New Clie


Whoa what day is it! Where did I leave you... oh after i finished at Ginza I ended bumping into Imani Okenyo, a friend from Monash who I havent heard from for a year and a half! Shes been in Japan studying. In a city of this size there are rarely coincidences, but it was incredible to just bump into her like that. Hope I get to catch up with her again.

I got a new clie, its really cool. Its got wireless and a camera, its quick, a massive dictionary etc.

Spent a day feeling a little homesick - went to Shinjuku and went to the top of the government buildings to have a look at the view. I was blown away. I just stood there blinking at the stretch of city that just went as far as I could see. Mt Fuji was looking in the mist off in the distance too. I ordered a flat white too (I had to explain how to make it though - they knew latte and cuppacino though) and I sat looking at the scene before me of central Tokyo and finished writing and addressing my postcards.

Afterwards I went down and had a look at some cameras for Andrew, and spent my points at Yodobashi camera on some software.

Went out in Shinjuku last night. Was out all night in true tokyo fashion and caught one the first trains home. There were so many people catching the train at 5 in the morning!

Did some washing in the coin laundry the other day too. This really old and gentle man came in and started chatting to me, he kind of had the old man mumble so I didnt understand much of what he was saying unfortunately but I managed to glean that he was in the war posted in China, and he expressed his opinions on the result of the war, decided that it was a good thing that Japan lost the war. Really interesting to listen to him. He was interested in where I came from to, and I tried to tell him a little about Australia. Another old lady came in too and started chatting as well.

Tonight at dinner too, (I chose a Tempura place in Shinjuku) the goy who sat down next to me wasnt afraid of a good chat. He was quite a bit younger than the 80 plus laundromat gentleman (I should have got a photo)maybe about 30 and his girlfriend too was chatty as well. We all ate together and exhanged words, he taught me a few Japanese colloqual things including the "four letter saying" ICHIGO ICHIE which means basically "A once in a lifetime opportunity" which must have been what he considered talking to me was! And he also explaind the reading between the lines that you need to do in Japanese. He asked me if there were any Mottos I used in English that I lived by or remembered. It wasnt all serious deep talk though, he was smiling and laughing the whole time. He aslo payed for my meal in the end which I appreciated!

I had slept in all day recovering from the night before and had visited fashionable Harajuku again. Found a great Tshirt store, website you can order online apparently.

In the train on the way to Saitama to stay the night at Nami chan`s place this other, strange guy next to me struck up conversation as well, he was drunk though, and thought (because I smelt of Tempura so badly) that I was a chef of some sort! He asked me to come to his sushi shop in Shinjuku sometime, but I had a bad feeling about it, and this other young lady stading up before us (the train was crowded) gave me this "just dont encourage him!" look and mothed the words (In English) I'm not so sure, or something like that. I think she and everyone around me (about 10 people) were feeling a bit unfomfortable with the whole situation. I was glad when he'd gotten off the train.

Mum asked me what Japanese suburbia was like, or Tokyo suburbia. Well I experienced it for the first time tonight. Its kind of strange going there by train. Theres alot of apartments. Tokyo is really 3 areas, all connected, Tokyo, Saitama and Chiba. Theyre actually different prefectures. Its not what I would call sprawl, because its densely populated, and its not all neat and orderly in a geographical sense as Australian suburbia is. Theres alot of high rises that are the size or larger than commission housing, although they are a nicer looking. Theres alot of IKKENYA or one piece houses too though.

Hmm what else has been happening. Got lots of photos but not way to show them just yet.

Take care everyone, looking forward to seeing you all!


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