Words Very Beta 0.04
Published Tuesday, September 12, 2006 by Mathieu | E-mail this post
NSEveryone *myFriendsAndFamily;
[myFriendsAndFamily sayToWithString: @"Yes, I know I haven't blogged forever!"];
[myFriendsAndFamily sayToWithString: @"It's just that I've been so busy working on my final year project. It's addictive \n I love it! "];
NSImage *screenShotOfWords = [NSImage screenShotOfWords];
[screenShotOfWords loadIntoBlogView];

[myFriendsAndFamily sayToWithString: @"Tada! This is a screen shot of the still very ugly interface of my application \"Words\", that I couldn't wait to tell you about"];
[myFriendsAndFamily applaud];
[self do:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"LOL", @"Smile", @"I'll try to blog more.", nil]];
Very good, at least you are stil alive.
Did you know that there is a boy in the law faculty who walks up to people and says 'salutations' as his greeting.
Very Toorak (and so funny)!
how have u been kiddo? heard from flanders that u're back in town... who flanders? nah... julian that is...have been hanging with him a bit...well...gimme a buzz sometime~...am going to the gucci show at comme now~...:-P...have fun!