Now you too can improve your knowledge and awareness! Using a technique known as "RSS", you too can attain the life improvements enjoyed by THOUSANDS!
By continuing on, here's what you'll learn to do:
- Save valuable time!
- Learn more about what interests you!
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After your first month, you will have increased your awareness and knowledge with actual visible improvement by at least 10 to 15 percent, and have attained a
stronger steel-like mind that possess
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What others have said:
"I just wanted to tell all of you that this program really does work. I was pretty skeptical when I first signed up for it, but all skepticism is GONE! I've been at it for about 4 months now. I really do feel like I'm more informed about what's going on in the world. That is, the world that interests me.
Once again I thank you for your advice!"
"Dear Sir. It was a blessing for me to get access to your site. Now the net reads like a magazine. When I first started, I reckoned I should always read all the feeds, and gobble them up as soon as they were there, but now I feel fine just to let stuff sit there waiting for me to browse, like a stack of 'zines. From a very satisfied customer."and
"Hello. I want to start by saying thank-you for your website and advice. Every time someone comments on my flickr photos I get an update showing me the image and the comment, and who it was from.
Its like, RSS has eliminated so much wasted time checking though ALL my photos for ALL my comments. To say that I intend to stick with RSS is a complete UNDERSTATEMENT! I just can't believe the gains, but am VERY pleased."If those testimonials weren't enough read on and
Join The Program Now or
Continue To The Next PageAlright Alright I might end with the tacky
Penis Enlargement Website inspired rhetoric and just present some facts.
Really Simple Syndication (
RSS) lets me sit back and watch as my reader sucks information to me from all the sites I've subscribed to.
So simple. Beautiful. You wonder why no one had invented it before.
Basically, you could just read the same stuff by checking through a list of websites, but RSS let's YOU know when there's new content to read, so there's no need to check a site, it checks YOU. It's called PULL content rather than PUSH content. And it puts all the sites you're subscribed to in a neat list in a program that isn't your web browser, and makes this absorbing information all very comfy.
Despite one convincing testimonial, there are advantages over magazines. You can choose the type of content you want. You subscribe to exactly what interests you, from a large range of sources. Almost all blogs offer RSS by default, and many other sites which regularly offer essays and articles on virtually anything.
With RSS, formatting is stripped from the content, so it's up to your reader to display it whichever way YOU choose, no matter what the source is. Most readers offer something to suit your own taste. Big fonts, little fonts, serif, sans serif, black, white, floral.
"Some websites designs were so fugly that I just couldn't bear to read them! RSS solved all those problems for me. Now everything looks nice and the same. Maybe I could think of getting into a relationship............"So go get it.
On the Mac, you really should start by using
NetNewsWire. NOT Safari. Then, if you're a poor student like me, when your 30 day trial runs out, download the free but a little (only a little!) inferior
On the PC, well guru Joel Spolsky uses
bloglines, but I'd want a desktop one. So here's a
list of the top 10.
One warning, although this ad says that you're going to
save time, chances are you're going to spend more time reading. So just be careful that you don't
over-subscribed to stuff. It's one of the shortercomings of RSS. Most people find it
addictive. Now go find some feeds.
Bon appétit!
try NetNewsWire Lite, it's free!
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