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Aussie Kangaroo Pouch

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Aussie Scrotum Kangaroo Pouch
Originally uploaded by mathieutozer200.

A little gift from Sydney - "This pouch is made from the Scrotum of the male Kangaroo, and it's said to be very lucky; all those in possession of one is assured of a long life, happiness and healthy children."


It smells a bit though :-D

5 Responses to “Aussie Kangaroo Pouch”

  1. Blogger Mathieu 

    Queue package jokes

    Oh too late!

    Did I mention that there's even stretch folds at the back?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    that is freakin hilarious, mat, i am coming home SOON! lets do dinner or lunch! SUNDAY! with the gang would be SO awesome!


  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey Mathieu,

    we sold those pouches at Aichi World Expo in Naogoya last year, we also sold these awful toads heads, which were made into coin purses, for about 80 to 100 dollars.

    By the way, I had my birthday party at the Kew Boathouse this year tooo!!! 1st of January I was there, unfortunately it rained!! And the shelters had holes in the roof...quite a memorable day!
    Take care
    Luv YA

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