When people find out I was born on Dec 26th, the next line is, without fail 'So do you get, like, two sets of presents or just one?'
I don't know what to make of that or why I'm putting it here. I'll let you decide, but I guess for me it's just that it's not even a big deal.
And I get kind of the same feeling (for those who know) of, of knowing exactly what the next line is going to be, as when someone says to you: "Can I ask you a really personal question?"
Christmas day was fun, we were at the Groovy Grovie for lunch and then home for a lighter seafood dinner, chronicled well with the camera as you can see on flickr.
The next day on the way through to Melbourne, Dad dropped Mum and I off outside Myer in Geelong for some clockwork-like, focused, power shopping which included a new doona, pillows, towels and undies that they forgot to take the tags off (I heard us beep you know). Nevertheless Mum and I shared a high five when we got back in the car.
Met up with Carlo in the afternoon, and we went and had an Afghan BBQ at the Windsor castle. Friends and family dropped by at various stages, not sure how many jugs of Stella it was before we ended up discovering Bingo wasn't on and so went to Tapas at Basque till the what felt like late hour of 10.30.
Thanks everyone!
Today as you know heated up, and during lunch we had a brain wave to go to the Kew Boathouse to re-live an Australia Day childhood memory, by Kayaking on the Yarra.
Picture playful splashing and healthy competitive chasing and racing
See all of the above in full techno-colour at my album over at flickr. Hooray for Web 2.0.The damn bandwidth limits are crippling!
See them all at good ol' mathieutozer.com instead.
Hi Mat! I'm glad you had a great Christmas and birthday! I actually did know it was your birthday on Boxing Day, but I just totally forgot! Anyway, I'm glad you had a good one! From Sarah Linke.
Thanks Sarah! Glad it's all over really!
Have a good NY.
hey maty,
hows it going?! Asia is going 'ok'. and all is hot and muggy over here your pictures are simply AWESOME! and the throphy needs to go to NAN with the sense of humour. and oh yes,... keep the pics rolling!
I can't simply wait to go back to melbourne.