Not having a debugger is a real pita. It might have helped me find this one much faster than I did!
That return was missing!
I wanted to record though that the reason why I left it out in the first place was because I had forgotten or misunderstood the nature of dragging events. Part of me thought that once it finished, the thread of execution would end at the return of the draggingEnded method or something, but in actual fact what was happening (and it's obvious and understantable and deliciously clean NOW) was that the cascaded levels of method calls would wind themselves back up again, right to the point where that that dragScene method was called, and the execution would continue, running the else to this if clause, which would cause the retarded behaviour which was the bug. retuning there makes happen what should, and the bug doesn't occur anymore.
Labels: cocoa programming bug fix dragging
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