Have arrived safe in San Fran, sitting in Cris Pearson's hotel room using the internets. I'm staying at a hostel a couple of doors down (with internet too!) but we're heading out to get some new shoes in Haight / Ashbury soonish. Yesterday was the typical travel long day but the excitement of being here driving me out the door anyway :) I had a really good snooze from 3 till 6 though.
Dinner at Lorry's with Cris, the first one we tried smelt like feet and we weren't getting used to it so we went to another one on the same block but much bigger and better.
Dot points
* I think I've eaten 4 hamburgers in the last 48 hours.
* Loved watching Catherine Tate and the Chinese (Hong Kong?) Dance Competition in the plane. Love the kitch logo design of it too. Animated version is v. special

* The coffee is still really bad :( Makes me appreciate good coffee more though.
* Googled for a sunday night to visit, ended up on Folsom at some divey after party! Got free drinks though :) Ended up being very wtf, but I still
don't think I outdid myself. I'll spare you the gory bits!
* Interesting that I used google web history to find the exact links I looked at in August last year.
* Everything here is in a slightly lighter shade
Anyway watch flickr for photos, it might get more interesting too if I puchase a camera....
Labels: travel san francisco random jet lag
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