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High And Dry without internet

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Just an update while I finish my wine (this wine, to be exact)
* Two new people moving in - Marcel and Ka Fam
* Internet offline for "two working days" but hopefully sooner
(Update - not till Wednesday 27th at the earliest!). Might resort to
dial up!
*Going out for a bit tonight to my old favorite QNA, because the
newly installed Leopard seed has done something unfathomable with my
Latest plasq Project (!)and I don't have the internet to ask some
pointed questions.
* Got quite a bit of colour up today at Shawns pool in sunny Toorak.
* Bumped into Mum at Phillippas unnanounced today. She was in the
process of messaging me when I sat down in front of her!
* Have been enjoying Stephanie Sun's BEN
* Nigel is back in Singapore for just 2 weeks, but we had farewell
brunch regardless at Woodstock (hello Nigel!)
* Software ideas still swarming through the old brain.
* Old brain because it's almost 23 years old. When do they get stale?
I feel more and more I'm getting 'stuck in my ways'.
* Looking forward to Christmas day, but hating the lead up.
* Hating the lead up because I ahem haven't started getting presents
for people. But it's all very low key with the family this year so
that's good.
* Core Animation rocks.
* Wonder if my I [HEART] NSArrayController is still on the wall of
the girls cubicle at QNA (A Bar Called Barry). Might make a point of
cheking on it tonight and tagging going <strikethrough>. <em> Core
Animation </em>
(Update: yes, it was, and O took some more photos!)
*Plasq work is challenging and inspiring.
*Back at the gym after 2 weeks break (but with much outdoor running).
It's important to completely give your body a full recovery once
every 8 months or so.
*There's some really interesting stuff on SBS at the moment. I like
thier ad campaign too!
* Went to check the train time table, my emails, friends onine
status, help about Leopard breakage, ISP contact numbers, ALL on the
internet forgetting that I didn't have it at the moment.
* Went to watch more Kath and Kim on YouTube too (esp "The importance
of Wine Time") before, ugh. No internet.
*Through the wine haze, I'm really enjoying the fact that I'm using
my own software! It's not perfect, but the fact is that it's
improving because I'm using it and getting annoyed by the
limitations. And then fixing them. You won't always have to be half
drunk to use my software though. Promise.
*Went to post a screen shot, but oh. No internet.
(better guzzle the rest and scoot - it's nice wine though!)
* I must say I'm looking very sunkist
* Went to find BEN lyrics on Youtube but...
(refills wine)
*Plugs in iPod for charging ("Well I have to have something to do on
the train!")
* Thinks to remove one split view from software, so it looks less
like a "Star Treck enterprise terminal" as one colleage put it.
Ok this is turning to shit
TIme to head to the station

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