I sat down to wait for my 14.40 train, taking the first few notes on a blog post about how annoying some parts of the all new Southern Cross Station are. And the following drama unfolded...
* Look at the alternate designs.
* How annoying are the once a minute ear drum bursting announcements?
* And the platform design is so confusing to passengers.
Platfrom 1 2 3 N C S??
11 min to go: Attention VLine customers, the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 11 minutes from platform 4, North. the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 11 minutes from platform 4 north. Thankyou!
10 min to go: Attention VLine customers, the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 10 minutes from platform 4, North. the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 10 minutes from platform 4 north. Thankyou!
9 min to go: Attention VLine customers, the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 9 minutes from platform 4, North. the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 9 minutes from platform 4 north. Thankyou!
8 min to go: Attention VLine customers, the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 8 minutes from platform 4, North. the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 8 minutes from platform 4 north. Thankyou!
7 min to go: Attention VLine customers, the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 7 minutes from platform 4, North. the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 7 minutes from platform 4 north. Thankyou!
6 min to go: Attention VLine customers, the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 6 minutes from platform 4, North. the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 6 minutes from platform 4 north. Thankyou!
5min to go: Attention VLine customers, the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 3 minutes from platform 4 north. the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 3 minutes from platform 4 north. Thankyou
4 min to go: Attention VLine customers, the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 3 minutes from platform 4 north. the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 3 minutes from platform 4 north. Thankyou
Attention VLine customers please do not board the train at platform 3 central until further advised. please do not board the train at platform 3 central until further advised.Thankyou
Attention VLine customers please do not board the train at platform 3 central until further advised. please do not board the train at platform 3 central until further advised.Thankyou
3 min to go: Attention VLine customers, the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 1 minute from platform 4 north. the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 1 minute from platform 4 north. Thankyou
2 min to go Attention VLine customers, the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 1 minute from platform 4 north. the 4.40 South Geelong service will be departing in 1 minute from platform 4 north. Thankyou
And then it departed.
And I was still sitting on the platform.
A little verbose, don't you think?
Let me start by saying, I hate bad design. Especially on the scale of a major, flagship project by the Victorian government. I mean this thing cost $$$.
I got up and looked down the platform at my departing train, a little bit pissed off. All I had been thinging of was how annoying the over enthusiastic computer lady-voice was over the loudspeaker, which I could feel drumming far too deep in by bosom every time she spoke.
First of all which way is north? Just which end of the platform is North?
That was one of the first things I wondered when I walked on the platform - where the hell is my train departing from? I'm in a vast bobbing like boobies structure and I have no way of getting my bearings.

Here's platform 4 and 3, as seen from the alleged 'Central'.

What doesn't help with grokking this arrangement is that there is only one South platform, and that's on platfrom 8. All the others start at Central, and have a North.

And here's a close up of the sign:

How about a sign on the sign saying something like "This in Central" "This way to North"??
By the way this is the SECOND time I've missed a train because of this North, Central, and South arrangement. I really must be dumb. I thought: I Am Dumb.
As I write this, I got on the train and sat down, after triple, nay quadruple checking the location. Settling down to reaaaly fry this piece of crap station in this blog post, a frantic inspector came in and asked me where I was headin'.
"Geelong", I say - he looked relieved, so did I.
The other couple who had gotten on said "Ballarat". He then quickly ushers them out the door with "That's your train there, right down there, right down the end." "Huh?" "Quick!" "Down the end and around a bit!".
Like said, I didn't think I was stupid, but for a moment there I thought, maybe I am. But the fact that this has happened twice, and I have whitnessed the confusion with other passengers today, I conclude that it is the design of the station, not people's stupidity, that has caused me to miss my train.
Although initially I didn't think the overall architecture of the station was bad, my admiration soured over time. I saw some pictures of some of the proposed alternatives, and now I always look at what was built and think of what it could have been. Anyway, it's not that bad, and could put up with it if it were functional.
What's worse is as the train pulled out I despairingly called my Dad, my pickup in Geelong, and sold him what had happened. I look over the ledge and the train had stopped. Had the driver seen me and waited? This surely never happens. I get back downstairs again and head towards it again. And then it pulls away again.
Doubly stung, I thought about what I was going to say to the ticketing lady when I demanded my money back! But Dad called again and said he'd wait, depending on how long it would be. Mum really wanted to see me. It's Mum's birthday, I couldn't give up now.
Checking my laptop for the train times, looking for the next one, and checking it against the slick flat panel displays, I found that the information didn't match up. I had only downlaoded this timetable a few hours before, so it's recent.
Look at how gleefully I'd optimistically highlighted that 16:13 train!

Anyway, the 16.55 train was non existent.
I took a few more snaps to show the lack of "This is platform FOUR CENTRAL" signage anywhere there were signs. This includes the lack of "THIS WAY TO PLATFORM FOUR NORTH" signs.
While we're talking about these displays, when you say a train is 'due', wouldn't that usually mean, going to be arriving in x minutes? Apparently at Southern Cross it means when a train is departing.
So I'm still sitting inside the 17:13 on platform C3, waiting for it to depart.
Now it's a bit rich to gripe about something without offering a solution or some alternatives, but I'll leave a comprehensive solution for another day because I've wasted enough of my precious time explaining what's wrong.
I will say though that I understand that they have more trains in the station at a given time than can be afforded a single platform for each, but really if I have to put up with the North / Central / South kerfuffle then please put some clear signs in to make it obvious to first time users.
That would be much more effective than repeating loud, obnoxious, inaccurate and inhuman announcements every minute through the same loudspeaker, even though they pertain to different trains. I feel as though if I hadn't been hearing anything at all about my "Service to South Geelong" through a loudspeaker that I might have been prompted to seek out where my bloody Service to South Geelong was, but of course I ewas being deafented by it every minute right above my head so I assumed I was in the right spot.
So basically, as my sister Jasmine put it, it's just a big bunch of people running around trying to find their train by trial and error. It's mayhem!
But at least it doesn't smell like urine anymore.
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