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Taking a few moments out to blog a few dot points

I'm now an intern at plasq and will be for 3 months! w00t!

Here are some of the software bits and pieces that are keep me busy:

* A productivity tool.
* Getting openCV tools running on Mac OS X.
* Words, language learning software and their related tools. (Open Source)
* A simple wiki and software issue tracking application for internal plasq use.
* Book scanning software (Open Source)
* 3D art project using Blender (maybe open source later)
* Fitness log book application
* Tackling the problem of offline edits on online multi user documents.

There are other apps that I'm also part of through testing, and I'm also taking part in a brainstorm of others as well, but unfortunately I can't talk about them publicly :-)

So that's plenty to keep my busy for my own personal, southern hemisphere version of a "Summer of Code".

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