I came into Uni this morning with the express purpose of finding these alleged 'Mac Labs' that I have heard exists at clayton. After a couple of hours of marching across campus from faculty to faculty, I could find more more than what I found here, in the foyer of the engineering computer labs. Two lonely (but beautiful) 20 inch iMacs, seemingly dedicated scanning machines. Yes, these wonderful machines, chained to scanners.

Monash. Monash. Monash.
Luckily, I have something to scan.

Here's my photo posing as the model "Mathieu Toler" [sic] with Lord Mayor John So.
In other news...
Started Uni again today, with a 120 minute lecuture for a subject I've been looking forward to taking since I heard about it.
CSE3323 - The Computer Industry: Historical Social and Professional IssuesYou can follow along with my lecture notes (Via RSS, or whatever) if you're interested in learning about how it all came about in a mere 60 years.
And just when you thought this post couldn't be more about nothing:

I just want to know how one is supposed to stand behind the yellow line!
Just thought I'd tell you that I love you!