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In Sydney. Still In Sydney

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I've kind of given up on getting a network here. So I'm going to rely on the Newton.

I'm beat.
Last night was fun. After dinner I got ready and walked down to Darling Harbour, chatted to Carlo on the phone for about 40 minutes while he drove home. Dion invited me to hang out at Cargo Bar with him and his friends. Turned out to be quite 'model's inc'. We had a great time dancing and talking though. Felt pretty special when I went to line up and I was immediately handed a VIP entry card to get in through the exit.

The crowd was young, and again heaps of guys wearing shirts! (A Sydney thing).

Walked home and got to bed by about 2.

Another hot night. I haven't been sleeping under any sheets at all since getting to Sydney. I think it just this apartment. Comfortable though.

Got up and readied for the day's work. Arrived and greeted everyone, and pretty much bang we had our hair and make up on. Boys don't take very long so we were all done and had a lot of hanging about to do.

I thought we were starting at 2 but while I was waiting in line to get some food I get a call from Dion asking where am I because we're starting! So I race back and quickly change, since then I've been known as 'the lost boy'!

I was paranoid about being late again all day since that, so I hung pretty close and triple checked call times.

The walking is pretty easy, we're not doing any tricky stuff, and after the 2nd show which had the most changes I was complimented that I looked great out there, very professional looking, and that I was doing a good job. I needed the confidence boost! Because really you don't know whether what you're doing is ok or not. Especially when you're walking out there by yourself in nothing but a pair of briefs!

But there is a lot of time when there is nothing to do. Everyone is pretty genuinely lovely!

Came home and snoozed for a bit, and kind of at a loss about what to do. I think I'll go over to K-Mart to buy a book or something.


In the airport lounge after a snooze, waiting for a coffee and lamington.

I'm exhausted! Alcohol is EVIL! I think I'm going to have to learn to not drink at all or in moderation!

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