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A Week Gone in Tokyo

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A week already! Wow its going quickly! its been really good for my Japanese
too, I feel more confident again already.
Funny thing happened today, Yukino was asked by a friend to fill in as a
dancer in the corporate opening of a new Logitec speaker system launch thingy in Japan today so I went along! It was a good experience to see how events like that are oganised. I was behing the scenes all the time. And I got to see the final show (most of it anyway) where there was a professional translator,
so I got to see how things like that work. Listen, translate, listen,
translate etc. Looks bloody hard though. Started writing a few post cards too. Ill finish them tonight. Didnt sleep well last night. It was hot and a typhoon was roaring outside (its sunny now but the wind is knocking little old ladies and bicycles down the main street of ginza!) and I just didnt sleep well. So Im just taking it easy today. No rushing around today.
I did eat some of the worst curry rice Ive ever eaten though - I knew it was a mistake before I even went into the place but I didnt really have much choice at the time! I couldnt eat the chicken it was foul and I never leave anything on the plate as you know so you can probably imagine!
I might just go back and do some origami and write some more postcards I think. Ill try and push myself into a light jog later on tonight too.
Ill be back in a week!

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