I'm going to have to bring about some change in my lifestyle if I am to reach my goals.
I need to start thinking more about what I am eating, for example.
I am only a few days off summer holidays, in which I will be unfettered from study and learning and will become what seems to be a working member of society.
It's very exciting. I can't stop thinking about what is going to happen, what opportunities may arise.
Epic extra work is something I would like to get into. To reach that goal, I have to make sure I care for myself, which means heating right and not picking pimples / nose etc.
I'm Allowed to be tired after an exam week.
3rd November 2003
Well I'm allowed to be tired, but now that the weekend has passed, I'm going to have to getr stuck into some Maths again! I feel a little refreshed after having Saturday off, Alana and Maz took me out to the Converse factory outlet on Smitsh St and we went shopping. That was relaxing and fun. Went to phillippa's with Mum and met David and his wife (Maz's Auntie and Uncle)
Had good chats.
Yesterday I worked, and last night for some reason I awoke with stomach pains. Maybe it's the coffee I have been consuming. I would like to quit drinking it but I think I'll do it after I have finished my exams because I don't want to jepoardise my chances of passing with unneccecary headaches etc. I have a feeling quitting coffee is going to be quite painful.
This morning, just had some bacon and eggs, usual protein and banana smoothie, and now I'm having a cup of coffee.
Andrew just got up, he went with Shaun to Wangaratta for the weekend's Jazz music festval.
Oh the reason why I am here typing thismorning is because I wanted to write down some goals and things I want to do on the Holidays. Maybe I'll write another file.
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