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Australian Life is Very Lazy

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Australian life is very LAZY!
I'm watching this Japanese TV show, and these poor people have to go 100 hours without food, and if they do, they get 100manen. Every meal [time] different cooks come in and try to tempt the contestants with whatever they can cook up, and they serve it before them, and some people eat, and loose, and some people (7 left) migt stick it out. it's quite good.
2 people left @ 110 hours and they both one. I mean won.
Today Sibyl wasn't at school, because, as later I found out, she's going to the hospital tomorrow for an operation on her appendix! So that came as a surprise. This afternoon I went to science club, and we went bird watching in Wakayama (I think) on the river + lake anyway, and we saw some birds (wake), also learnt that there are only 2 species of birds left in Japan [Actually I think I go this part wrong!]. (native I think) but it was fun, but VERY cold.
We got home about 5.30 to 6 or something. I was so hungry, but then we took the dog Koro for a walk. Masakazu got up @ 5.30 this morning and went to bed @ 2.30, from studying! He loves School. He went early thismorning for a maths class.
Did I tell ya that when I 1st arrived, Toshio (Otoosan) forgot where he had parked his car, and we came out onto the 3rd level, and he couldn't see it. So we took all my luggage up the steps to the next level, and it wasn't there so we took it up to the NEXT level, 5 and he found it there! It was funny though. [I also remember arriving as if in a dream, and being thirsty. I kept saying "sui -sui" I meant Mizu, which means water." I got my hands on some though. The first thing I bought.]
I love oocha, cold. It's really refreshing.
Classes are boring, becaus I don't understand them, but when I get correspondance school stuff, maybeit wont be so bad because I'll have somethign to do: but lunchtimes are fun.
I bought at the canten a Y180, cold, small, strange, mystery meatd, cabbage filled "Hot (or) cold dog 'to dog' but it was quite an experience. I don't think I'll buy one again!
I hope Syb is not watching the same show I am, they're showing greusome operations and making it really errie. It's like good medicine, erm, medicine. Well, that's all I can rememberfor today, but I learned these Kanji.
EIGA - eiga - movies
BOKU - boku - I/Me, for boys only
NAN - nan / nani - what

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