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Bad Skin and Mos Burger

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Today I have been more tired than ever I think, and speaking in Japanese has been difficult, and writing in English dosen't help! Tonight I went with Masa to his English class [ECC], which was great fun, the teacher, who is not scary, gave Masa and me a towel!
I will give her a present next time perhaps. But she has lived in Australia for 3 years so she speaks English very well, I had to speak nihongo (Japanese) and everyone else English! But it was fun. I bought this pen + a pencil shop after school after a sort of club session today (kendo) which was OK but there was no teacher there today and we left early. So I didn't see all that much.
I just had a conversation with my host Mum. She's nice to chat with in Japanese.
I just popped on my new single for the first time! GIIII!
My skin is hideous at the moment, and I have two huge pimples on my nose.
Okaasan wa ofuro ni wairimashita. [hairimashita!!] My host mum had a bath.
After her I'll have one in the same water. The bathing situation is as follows... You use the handhelf shower to wash yourself with soap, wash your hair, whatever, and then when you are clean, you get in the bath and relax, so the water stays very hot. I think that when they prepare the bath, they don't put ANY cold in at all, they just leave it for a while and get in.
This napkin reminds me of................[When I skipped school with Syb and rode our bikes (past these orange clad pathway worker men)] and had Mos Burger! (secret)
I got another 3 letters today. Did I say there's only about 6 or 7 boys in my class and the rest are girls? Geez! I bravely let my pencilcase out in the open today, I haven't before for fear of mockery [!!], (Toyboys) but no-one seemed to know. daijoobu. I'm fine! I use that word 'Daijoubu' alot, because everyone says, are you ok! how is it?
It's been what, 5 days? it seems alot longer, but its been heaps of fun. Only 5 months left, better hurry up and learn Japanese! (I am slow)
Japanese music is strange, it's a mixture of Japanese + English. It changes randomly. I think I'll send this journal home when I fill it up, then I'll have to buy a new one.
Things are sooo expensive here. A buger at Moss Burger was 270Yen / nihyakinanajuuen, and with that you got at (deliciously) yummy chicken buger, made to order so, totemo atsui, (very hot), and a small water (Mizu). So what's that, almost 5 bucks!?! Oh well, I don't have Moss Burger all that much I don't think! Anyway, I am going to see what's on TV.

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