Best Game of Air Hockey In My Life
Published Friday, January 14, 2000 by Mathieu | E-mail this post

Today we had the welcoming party for Syb and myself. We went to Mc Donalds for lunch with the people in the above starry picture, taken next door at sega world, and all sega arcade. I had the best game of air hockey of my life - it was 4 player, 2 teams, and sometimes one or two more pucks would drop out of the automatic dispenser. Also, thre was this videogame called 'samba de genero' (Or something) set in Rio ge Genario (or whatever) and the controls were 2 marrakas - they're those shaky things they use. So what you do to play is, shake the marracas in the direction shown on the screen! It's ridiculous. So, it's a dancing game, you chake the marracas to the music. Also, there's another dancing game where you jump on sensors to play! I reckon they could secretly vedio tape people doing it and use it as blackmail!!! (You would look very stupid dancing all by yourself in front of a machine!)
Anyway again I got 1 billion hellos from a trillion girls who somehow know me, and on the way home thisafternoon Masa told me that someone in his class said I look like Ricky Martin [There's where it all started people....!] 'Nai nai nai na' (NO NO NO) I said!
Also today I did shodo[u], or Japanese caligraphy [I can smell that room still mmmm...], it was very hard! I also took some whotos of my house, and garden.
I am very full now because I ate my Ubento as well as Mc Donalds.
Everyday I have my own thermos of cold oocha (Japanese tea) which I love, and drink every last drop of!
Although it's only been a day, I think I am communicating better, if not in Language then in gestures and things!
Tomorrow I have to get up early to get to school by 8 to make a speech to the teachers to introduce myself [hehe that was funny, I don't think I even wrote that speech, something about wanting to see otera's and fuji san kamo ne, Syb said she wanted to go to disneyland - funny, I think we ended up going to all those places!] Penporn (Jun) and sue [???] helped me with it. I hope it's OK, but I find it very corney. [Here was pasted a sheet from the 13th of Overjoyed that reminds me of the class. NATSUKASHII!!! The smell of the paper brings me WAY back]
Syb's phone number
is 77 - 5941
Ibata Family
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