I was fully stalked this morning. I noticed him get on the train, and then he came over and sat down next to me. "Love generation" was blaring on his iPod shuffle, and he fidgeted while trying to concentrate on a pretty complex text book.
Whenever I looked up from my screen he was looking at me! I started to freak out a bit when I got off the train and he pretty much walked next to me all the way to the bus stop, then he came and sat across from me again. Eek. And watching me again. Like it wasn't obvious. Did he just want to say hello? I gave him the opportunity with a quick half smile. I'm nervous. But no, he's just going to watch. Weird.

Off the bus, and he seriously walked to the left or right, in front or behind me, not 1 meter away, all the way from the door, through the Menzies building, out the other side (where I snapped some photos) and then THEN FINALLY he walked the other way as I entered the Campus Centre.

And almost walked into him passing the sandwich line! There was a 'uh oh sorry' moment and still he followed me to the coffee line, where I stopped and he thankfully kept going.
It was then time to start a
Monash Blog.
Well... you know...
A real stalker would start taking pictures of you as he's walking behind you. Obviously, HE'S not the one who's doing the stalking :P
Dammit! Everyone said that! But I swear I had to take a picture because I wanted to blog it.... :-D
Aaah Well
le Exchange de yottemasu ne. Atsuko no omiai party da. daremo kono buroggu yonndenaiyona. ma ii ya. bennkyou ha ichiban.
chotto ima kara osake nomu kedo. donna koto demo kinishinai.
Brett is right. You shouldn't put his pictures up on your blog. You could get caught, dude. There is no evidence that he stalked you although I belieave you.
However, you are taking the pictures of stranger without his permission.
If you really have a concern for his behaviour, I will recomend to see someone in 'University's Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Grievance.' Meanwhile, I hope he wouldn't do something to harm you.
Well he did it agian this monday, on the way home. Sat right across from me on the train!
Who are you incognito?
Well he did it agian this monday, on the way home. Sat right across from me on the train!
Who are you incognito?
Me...? I'm your stalker!!!
I was just kidding you.
I don't think you know me...
I'm friend of your sexy flatmate.
Well, I just asked him, and he said he knows noone who calls himself Incognito, but more pointedly noone that calls him sexy!
Him...? I thought she is a women. hehehe...
So you're one of Eri's friends then!?
yes... and no. I don't look Im Asian. I'm half Japanese....I grew up in Japan.
so... If you thought my English is like Japanese-English, you were on right track.
I'll have to ask Eri ;-)
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