Title: Trip to Uni, then Chaddy, and pool.
Today has been relaxing and productive too, I arose early and got through all the crap on my desk in preparation for using it to study on this semester. Eager to get into it, I strapped jiggly jason to my side,

popped on the aviator sunnies, hopped into my car and (holding my breath hoping it would go) drove all the way out to Clayton.
It was all shut. I was expecting (even though it was a sunday) for more to be open than was. Actually I couldn't get into anywhere! So I got going to campus out of my system and got back on the main drag, stopping off at Chaddy shopping centre on the way. Met up with Andy and Trent, had chats. Spent a bit of time in the food court, which I found to be very entertaining, so entertaining in fact, that I made it a full excursion and ordered a "muggachino" (or Mug of Chino)

and sat down to enjoy it with my shrink wrapped bicky on the side. Took some notes in Japanese and picked myself up to leave. Organised some drinks at Candy for tonight and drove home.
The day was warming up. Called Mum and Dad on my new cordless phone (I'm making much more use of the home phone now that I've got something nice to talk on!) and then decided to go for a swim down at Prahran pool. After a breif stressful moment where I thought I had lost my bag, I found it in my car and trammed down High st. A stroll through the gardens and then onto the pool.
It was packed, I found a patch of grass on the very edge (it was about to be shaded over by the sun) and joined the rest of the flamers. Took out "Hikaru no Go", my current obsession (A Japanese comic) and read that inbetween cool off swims. I was wearing the LV trunks which were a scream! You may have seen them in the pictures.
Picked myself up and trammed home, where I'm downloading classical music and drinking EBT. Resting up for a few bevvies at Candy Bar tonight.
THIS DAY LAST YEAR: This is my diary entry from a year ago today...
Title: A day at Uni
Uni is looming very close. I am feeling a little more stressed about it now, but I don't think that I should be. I had to tell myself thismorning that it was silly to worry.
Today was very organisational. I opened a savings bank account, and got my concession card filled out. Got my Communications text book, and transferred funds and payed gas bills. Visited the apple store in Dandenong. touring though there was surreal. People sitting at the Pancake parlour on the highway drinking wine *very posh* at 1 pm.
Put in my form finally for advanced standing. Hopefully everything will be fine. Chatted to history teacher from last year which was lovely. Helped a couple of international students find the computer rooms.
Feeling kind of sleepy. Uni food is still pathetic and over priced.
Nothing much else really to say. Just an official feeling kind of day. Might be going out to Q bar for Luke's birthday. Will try and call Japan too before going out.
Went out. Got to Q bar early on the bike and so went for a walk down to the Jam Factory. I was pretty fun just going for that walk. Saw a couple of Adam's friends in the shoe shop. Went back to Q bar and Em and Luke were there. // CUT // I knew what night everyone was in for. I didn't touch [anything] all night of course, but I still had a great night. I was first on the dance floor, and loving it. The drinks were good, and music was too. Met the three brothers - Hokkers, Stuart and Lyndon, saw Bianca, Sophie and Em, Chase, Matt (who didn't say hello) I always have a good night in the red room!
I rode home at about 2. Invited to Sandanista.
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